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SAGE is a new title published by A.R.Mowe in Amazon.com kindle edition.

A worried group of ordinary folks looking at the big picture of Malaysia in the Covid-19 era are in disarray because of haphazard measures

The corona-virus pandemic is depicted a plague apocalypse as foretold in revelations. The Uncle Zed’s trusted quirk tales (a past published manuscript) was rehashed in the light of Covid-19 & flooding wreckage in Malaysia. Malaysian authorities were incapable of enacting measures to promote overall goodness. Tax payers wondered if seepage and corruption account more than what is reached to those in need. SAGE would appeal to readers who placed a high value on sage wisdom.

Policies by the Malaysian cabinet members must be right. Opposition leaders must tackle stimulus packages under shadow cabinet portfolios. Expenditures on increasing treating severe breathing difficulties, cough and flu as well as costs of additional related facilities must be the focus to ensure that the Effectual Recovery Rate do not significantly worsen.

Poplars grow in the valleys and sage brushing thrives along mangrove thickets. Together with forests and wetlands around towns and villages nature is helped in managing extreme rain water run-off thus reducing flood peaks which can inundate homes.

The biographical Zed persona is a venerable person of sound judgment. Nearly a profound philosopher his varied anecdotes on economy and the word of God can prompt scriptural interpretation rethinking beyond common dogmatic religious norms and governance in the face of two years of ruin affecting households and the poor in Malaysian communities. Too many SMEs and micro-enterprises closed and the resulting un-employed cannot assist in any national recovery plan.

There is no cure for patients infected with the virus. By all means intensely treat breathing difficulties, severe cough and flu as done before even without Covid-19. How much can be saved from excessive testing, quarantine and relief measures?

On 6 January 2022 Heath Ministry Khairy Jamaludin was asked to comment if the government was considering enforcing a lockdown in the wake of the increasing Covid-19 cases triggered by the Omicron variant in the country.

“Of course, there will be zero cases in the event the country returns to imposing a lockdown. However, at what cost? The economy of the country as well as the mental health and wellbeing of the people will be affected.

“That is why we do not want to mention the ‘L’ word. We want to avoid that,” he said.

“We must respond to the situation with the most effective measures that are not extreme. The response (the country’s response to the emergence of new Covid-19 variants) must be calibrated and proportionate.

Measures to contain the domestic spread of the Coronavirus, combined with weak investment and low tourism receipts due to the pandemic have significantly reduced economic activity by 31.3.2020.  Is there not a need for a Covid-19 Revolution? Devastation from lockdowns could wreak businesses struggling to break even. 

Then in December 2021 extreme rainfall inundated many areas, closing highways and business operations. If the Malaysian authorities fail to re-open the economy in the Covid-19 pandemic era and flooding destruction all business aid and stimulus packages as well as personal relief measures come to naught.

Taman Sri Mudah paid the price when the historic rainfall left it submerged for days. A Transformation Alert Program would reduce resource waste and improve mandate of government agencies, GLCs and State government departmental operations.

Authorities must acknowledge that true bliss can be attained when we mitigate development wreckage to help keep nature balance in place. In respect of communities not having the right policies such as restricting over development at hilltops, coastal corridors and extreme forests clearing for commercial cultivation it will result in more frequent and more devastating flooding and landslides occurrences.

Q30: . . . Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what man’s hands have accomplished so God may let them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they will turn back in repentance.

The above depiction is clearly a consequence of Cause and Effect.

The short stories of one recalcitrant pipe piper’s quest to expound scriptural guidance for the layman to absorb universal noble values interspersed in story telling is a refreshing approach to entice young and adult minds. In this manner it enriches the approach to garner a seamless understanding of the core message of the scripture without being distracted by apparently haphazard not sequential narratives of divine guidance and decrees in the Quran. Readers could juggle and combine the process to suit their preference and style.